Selected publications

Juan Carlos Alonso, Research Professor, CSIC



These are some of my most relevant publications. If you wish a reprint that is not attached, or additional information about one of the papers, please e-mail me: jcalonso[*at*]

Visit my Researcher ID, Google Scholar, Research Gate, or ORCID profiles for citation metrics and other information.



Alonso JC, Abril-Colón I, Ucero A, Palacín C. 2024. Anthropogenic mortality threatens the survival of Canarian houbara bustards. Scientific Reports 14, 2056 (2024).


Bravo C, Bautista LM, Alonso JC. 2024. Revisiting niche divergence hypothesis in sexually dimorphic birds: Is diet overlap correlated with sexual size dimorphism? Journal of Animal Ecology 93: 460-474.


Alonso JC, Abril-Colón I, Palacín C, Ucero A, Álvarez-Martínez, JM. 2022. Maximizing sexual signal transmission: use of multiple display sites by male houbara bustards. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76: 123


Alonso JC, Abril-Colón I, Palacín C. 2021. Moonlight triggers nocturnal display in a diurnal bird. Animal Behaviour 171: 87-98 https://doi.10.1016/j.anbehav.2020.11.011


Alonso JC, Martín E, Morales MB, Alonso JA. 2018. Sibling competition and not maternal allocation drives differential offspring feeding in a sexually size-dimorphic bird. Animal Behaviour 137: 35-44


Palacín C, Alonso JC, Martín CA, Alonso JA. 2017 Changes in bird-migration patterns associated with human-induced mortality. Conservation Biology 31: 106–115


Torres A, Jaeger JAG, Alonso JC. 2016. Assessing large-scale wildlife responses to human infrastructure development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113: 8472-8477


Alonso J.C., Salgado I., Palacín C. 2016. Thermal tolerance may cause sexual segregation in sexually dimorphic species living in hot environments. Behavioral Ecology 27: 717-724


Bravo C., Bautista L.M., García-Paris M., Blanco G., Alonso J.C. 2014. Males of a strongly polygynous species consume more poisonous food than females. PLOS ONE 9(10): e111057. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0111057


Alonso J.C., Magaña M., Álvarez-Martínez, J.M.. 2012. Male display areas in exploded leks: the importance of food resources for male mating success.  Behavioral Ecology 23: 1296-1307


Alonso J.C., Álvarez-Martínez  J.M., Palacín C. 2012. Leks in ground-displaying birds: hotspots or safe places? Behavioral Ecology 23: 491-501


Magaña M., Alonso J.C., Palacín C.. 2011. Age-related dominance helps reduce male aggressiveness in great bustard leks. Animal Behaviour 82: 203-211


Torres A., Palacín C., Seoane J., Alonso J.C. 2011. Assessing the effect of a highway on a threatened species using BDA and BDACI designs. Biological Conservation 144: 2223-2232


Barrientos R., Alonso J.C., Ponce C., Palacín C. 2011. Meta-analysis of the effectiveness of marked wire in reducing avian collisions with power lines. Conservation Biology 25: 893-903


Palacín C., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Magaña M., Martín C.A. 2011. Cultural transmission and flexibility of partial migration patterns in a long-lived bird, the great bustard Otis tarda. Journal of Avian Biology 42: 301-308


Ponce C., Alonso J.C., Argandoña G.,  García A., Carrasco M. 2010. Carcass removal by scavengers and search accuracy affect bird mortality estimates at power lines. Animal Conservation 13: 603–612


Alonso J.C., Magaña M., Martín C.A., Palacín C. 2010. Sexual traits as quality indicators in lekking male great bustards. Ethology 116: 1084–1098


Alonso J.C., Magaña M., Palacín C., Martín C.A. 2010. Correlates of male mating success in great bustard leks: the effects of age, weight and display effort. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64:1589–1600


Alonso J.C., Magaña M., Alonso J.A., Palacín C., Martín C.A., Martín B. 2009. The most extreme sexual size dimorphism among birds: allometry, selection, and early juvenile development in the great bustard. The Auk 126: 657−665


Alonso J.C., Palacín C., Alonso J.A., Martín C.A. 2009. Post-breeding migration in male great bustards: low tolerance of the heaviest Palaearctic bird to summer heat. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 1705-1715


Martín C.A., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Palacín C., Magaña M., Martín B. 2008.  Natal dispersal in great bustards: the effect of sex, local population size and spatial isolation. Journal of Animal Ecology 77: 326-334


Alonso J.C., Martín C.A., Alonso J.A., Palacín C., Magaña M., Lane S.J. 2004. Distribution dynamics of a great bustard metapopulation throughout a decade: influence of conspecific attraction and recruitment. Biodiversity and Conservation 13: 1659-1674


Alonso J.C., Palacín C., Martín C.A. 2003. Status and recent trends of the Great Bustard (Otis tarda) population in the Iberian Peninsula. Biological Conservation 110:185-195


Suárez-Seoane S., Osborne P.E., Alonso J.C. 2002. Large-scale habitat selection by agricultural steppe birds in Spain: identifying species-habitat responses using Generalised Additive Models. Journal of Applied Ecology 39: 755-771


Martín C.A., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Pitra C., Lieckfeldt D. 2002. Great bustard population structure in central Spain: concordant results from genetic analysis and dispersal study. Proceedings Royal Society London B 269: 119-125


Osborne P.E., Alonso, J.C., Bryant, R.G. 2001. Modelling landscape-scale habitat use using GIS and remote sensing: a case study with great bustards. Journal of Applied Ecology 38:458-471


Pitra C., Lieckfeldt D., Alonso J.C. 2000. Population subdivision in European great bustards inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence variation. Molecular Ecology 9: 1165-1170


Alonso J.C., Martín E., Alonso J.A., Morales M.B. 1998. Proximate and ultimate causes of natal dispersal in the great bustard, Otis tarda. Behavioral Ecology 9:243-252


Alonso J.C., Bautista L.M., Alonso J.A. 1997. Dominance and the dynamics of phenotype-limited distribution in common cranes. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 40: 401-408


Bautista L.M., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. 1995. A field test of ideal free distribution in flock-feeding common cranes. Journal of Animal Ecology 64: 747-757


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Bautista L.M., Muñoz-Pulido R. 1995. Patch use in cranes: a field test of optimal foraging predictions. Animal Behaviour 49: 1367-1379


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Bautista L.M. 1994. Carrying capacity of staging areas and facultative migration extension in common cranes. Journal of Applied Ecology 31: 212-222


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Muñoz-Pulido R. 1994. Mitigation of bird collisions with transmission lines through groundwire marking. Biological Conservation 67: 129-134


Alonso J.C., González L.M., Heredia B., González J.L. 1987. Parental care and the transition to independence of Spanish Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca adalberti) in Doñana National Park, southwest Spain. Ibis 129: 212-224


Alonso J.C. 1986. Ecological segregation between sympatric Spanish Sparrows (Passer hispaniolensis Temm.) and House Sparrows (Passer domesticus (L.)) during winter. Ekologia Polska 34: 63-73


Alonso J.C., Veiga J.P., Alonso J.A. 1984. Familienauflösung und Abzug aus dem Winterquartier beim Kranich Grus grusJournal für Ornithologie 125: 69-74