
Juan Carlos Alonso, Research Professor, CSIC



This is a complete list of my scientific publications. If you wish a reprint that is not attached, or additional information about one of the papers, please e-mail me: jcalonso[*at*]

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Alonso JC, Abril-Colón I, Ucero A, Palacín C. 2024. Precipitation and female experience are major determinants of the breeding performance of Canarian houbara bustards. Wildlife Biology 2024: e01345.


Abril-Colón I, Palacín C, Ucero A, Alonso JC. 2024. The COVID19 confinement revealed negative anthropogenic effects of unsustainable tourism on endangered birds. Biological Conservation 296 (2024) 110707.


Ucero A, Abril-Colón I, Palacín C, Álvarez-Martínez JM., Alonso JC. 2024. Nest-site and brood-rearing habitat selection in Canarian Houbara Bustards: the importance of concealment and food availability. Journal of Ornithology (2024).


Ucero A, Alonso JC, Palacín C, Abril-Colón I, Álvarez-Martínez JM. 2024. Power line density and habitat quality: key factors in Canarian houbara bustard decline. Bird Conservation International 34, e32, 1–14


Bravo C, Bautista LM, Alonso JC. 2024. Revisiting niche divergence hypothesis in sexually dimorphic birds: Is diet overlap correlated with sexual size dimorphism? Journal of Animal Ecology 93: 460-474.


Alonso JC, Abril-Colón I, Ucero A, Palacín C. 2024. Anthropogenic mortality threatens the survival of Canarian houbara bustards. Scientific Reports 14, 2056 (2024). 




Hórreo JL, Ucero A, Palacín C, López-Solano A, Abril-Colón I, Alonso JC. 2023. Human decimation caused bottleneck effect, genetic drift, and inbreeding in the Canarian houbara bustard. Journal of Wildlife Management 87: e22342.


 Palacín C, Farias I, Alonso JC. 2023. Detailed mapping of protected species distribution, an essential tool for renewable energy planning in agroecosystems. Biological Conservation 277, January 2023, 109857.


Alonso JC, Dieuleveut T, Palacín C, Abril-Colón I, Ucero A, Lucas C. 2023. Morphometrics of houbara bustards Chlamydotis spp.: sexual size dimorphism, seasonal changes and differences between species. Ardeola, 70(2): 271-283.


Abril-Colón I, Alonso JC, Ucero A., Palacín C. 2023. Aplicación de tecnologías GSM/GPRS y acelerometría a la ecología espacial de la avutarda hubara. Ecosistemas 32 (2): 2420 [mayo-agosto 2023]



Alonso JC, Abril-Colón I, Palacín C, Ucero A, Álvarez-Martínez, JM. 2022. Maximizing sexual signal transmission: use of multiple display sites by male houbara bustards. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76:123.


Abril-Colón I, Alonso JC, Palacín C, Álvarez-Martínez, JM, Ucero A. 2022. Short-distance nocturnal migration in an island endemic bustard. Ibis 164(4): 1145-1159.


Alonso JC, Palacín C. 2022. Alarming decline of the Great Bustard Otis tarda world population over the last two decades. Bird Conservation International 32: 523–530.


Bautista-Sopelana LM, Bolívar P, Gómez-Muñoz MT, Martínez-Díaz RA, Andrés MF, Alonso JC, Bravo C, González-Coloma A. 2022. Bioactivity of plants eaten by wild birds against laboratory models of parasites and pathogens. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, Article 1027201.


Abril-Colón I, Alonso JC, Palacín C, Ucero A, Álvarez-Martínez JM. 2022. Factors modulating home range and resource use: a case study with Canarian houbara bustards. Movement Ecology 10, 49 (2022).


Ucero A, Alonso JC, Palacín C, Abril-Colón I, Álvarez-Martínez JM. 2022. Display site selection in a ground dwelling bird: the importance of viewshed. Behavioral Ecology, 2022; arac112.


 Palacín C & Alonso JC. 2022. Avutarda euroasiática Otis tarda. En: B. Molina, A. Nebreda, A. R. Muñoz, J. Seoane, R. Real, J. Bustamante y J. C. del Moral (eds.): III Atlas de las aves en época de reproducción en España. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.




Alonso JC, Abril-Colón I, Palacín C. 2021. Moonlight triggers nocturnal display in a diurnal bird. Animal Behaviour 171: 87-98 https://doi.10.1016/j.anbehav.2020.11.011


Díaz M, Concepción ED, Morales MB, Alonso JC, … (23 more authors). Velado-Alonso E. 2021. Environmental objectives of Spanish agriculture: scientific guidelines for their effective implementation under the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2030. Ardeola 68: 445-460


Díaz M. Concepción ED, Morales MB, Azcárate FM, Bota G, Brotons L, Mañosa S, Rey PJ, García D, Navarro A, Tarjuelo R, Casas F, Bartomeus I, Olea P, López-Bao JV, Palacín C, Alonso JC, (35 more authors). 2021. Summary of the scientific recommendations of the working group for an optimal implementation of the new reform of the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2023-2030 in Spain. Ecosistemas 30 (2), 2261.


Alonso JC, Bautista LM, Alonso JA. 2021. Thirty years of crane colour-banding in Europe: overview and perspectives. In: Proceedings of the IX European Crane Conference, pp. 81-84. Conference organized by Syndicat Mixte de Gestion des Milieux Naturels – Réserve Nationale de Faune Sauvage d’Arjuzanx, 3-8 diciembre 2018.


Bautista LM, Alonso JC. 2021. What do we know about survival of Common cranes? An elementary introduction with Euring databank. In: Proceedings of the IX European Crane Conference, pp. 76-80. Conference organized by Syndicat Mixte de Gestion des Milieux Naturels – Réserve Nationale de Faune Sauvage d’Arjuzanx, 3-8 diciembre 2018. doi:


Palacín C & Alonso JC. 2021. Avutarda euroasiática Otis tarda. En: López-Jiménez, N. (Ed.): Libro Rojo de las Aves de España, pp. 754-758. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.


Ucero A, Abril-Colón I, Palacín C & Alonso JC. 2021. Avutarda hubara canaria Chlamydotis undulata fuertaventurae. En: López-Jiménez, N. (Ed.): Libro Rojo de las Aves de España, pp. 342-350. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.


Alonso JC. 2021. El estudio científico de especies amenazadas, clave para su conservación. En: Cánovas, C. (coord.): Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. Nuestra investigación a tu alcance, pp. 55-59. CSIC, Madrid.  ISBN: 978-84-00-10928-8; e-ISBN: 978-84-00-10929-5




Orellana JM, Bautista LM, Merchán D, Causapé J, Alonso JC. 2020. Shifts in crane migration phenology associated with climate change in south-western Europe. Avian Conservation and Ecology 15 (1): 16.


Alonso JC, Palacín C, Abril-Colón I. 2020. The Lanzarote population of the African Houbara Chlamydotis undulata fuertaventurae: census, sex ratio, productivity, and a proposed new survey method. Ardeola 67: 69-83.


Christie A, Abecasis D, Adjerouf M, Alonso JC, … (55 more authors)…, Sutherland WJ. 2020. Quantifying and addressing the prevalence and bias of study designs in the environmental and social sciences. Nature Communications.


Dutta, S. et al. 2020. The Great Indian Bustard in peril and hope. In: In Situ GIB Breeding. Unique Success at Desert National Park. Man Sagar, Jaipur, págs. 15-34


Alonso JC., Palacín C, Karataş MM, Antonchikov A. 2020. Great Bustard Otis tarda. In: Keller V et al, European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change. European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, p. 232.


Palacín C & Alonso JC. 2020. African Houbara Chlamydotis undulata. In: Keller V et al, European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change. European Bird Census Council & Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, p. 233.




Alonso JC, Bautista LM, Alonso JA. 2019. Sexual size dimorphism in the Common Crane, a monogamous, plumage-monomorphic bird. Ornis Fennica 96: 194-204.


Bravo C, Bauitsta LM, Ponce C, Alonso JC. 2019. Feeding functional responses in a sexually size-dimorphic bird. Acta Oecologica 101: 103487 (2019).


Morinha F, Bautista LM, Monteiro M, Alonso JC. 2018. A simple strategy for improving bird sexing from highly degraded DNA samples. Conservation Genetics Resources (2018).


Alonso JC., Palacín C, Karataş MM, Antonchikov A. 2019. Great Bustard Otis tarda. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2.


Palacín C & Alonso JC. 2019. African Houbara Chlamydotis undulata. In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2.




Alonso JC, Martín E, Morales MB, Alonso JA. 2018. Sibling competition and not maternal allocation drives differential offspring feeding in a sexually size-dimorphic bird. Animal Behaviour 137: 35-44.




Alonso JC, Alonso JA, Bautista LM. 2018. A review of the crane-agriculture conflict at Gallocanta Lake, Spain. pp. 272-279. In: Cranes and Agriculture: A global guide for sharing the landscape. JE Austin, K Morrison and JT Harris (eds.). International Crane Foundation and  IUCN Species Survival Commission. Minuteman Press, Baraboo, Wiconsin, USA.


Suárez-Seoane S, Álvarez-Martínez JM, Palacín C, Alonso JC. 2018. From general research questions to specific answers: Underspecificity as a source of uncertainty in biological conservation. Biological Conservation 227: 167-180.


Palacín C, Alonso JC. 2018. Failure of EU Biodiversity Strategy in Mediterranean farmland protected areas. Journal for Nature Conservation 42: 62-66.


Ponce C, Salgado I, Bravo C, Gutiérrez N, Alonso JC. 2018. Effects of farming practices on nesting success of steppe birds in dry cereal farmland. European Journal of Wildlife Research 64: 13.


Nespolo RF, González-Lagos C, Solano-Iguarán JJ, Elfwing M, Garitano-Zavala A, Mañosa S, Alonso JC, Altamiras J. 2018. Aerobic power and flight capacity in birds: a phylogenetic test of the heart-size hypothesis. Journal of Experimental Biology 221. jeb175208.




Suárez-Seoane S, Álvarez-Martínez JM, Wintle BA, Palacín C, Alonso JC. 2017. Modelling the spatial variation of vital rates: an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of correlative species distribution models. Diversity and Distributions 23: 841-853.


Bravo C, Mas-Peinado P, Bautista LM, Blanco G, Alonso JC, García-París M. 2017. Cantharidin is conserved across phylogeographic lineages and present in both morphs of Iberian Berberomeloe blister beetles (Coleoptera, Meloidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 180: 790-804.


Palacín C, Alonso JC, Martín CA, Alonso JA. 2017 Changes in bird-migration patterns associated with human-induced mortality. Conservation Biology 31: 106–115.


Bautista L, Bravo C, Ponce C, Unzué-Belmonte D, Alonso JC. 2017. Food availability but not sex determines morning foraging area size in the most sexually size-dimorphic bird. Ardeola 64: 289-303.




Alonso J.C., Salgado I., Palacín C. 2016. Thermal tolerance may cause sexual segregation in sexually dimorphic species living in hot environments. Behavioral Ecology 27: 717-724


 Bravo C, Ponce C, Bautista LM, Alonso JC. 2016. Dietary divergence in the most sexually size-dimorphic bird. The Auk: Ornithological Advances 133: 178-197


Palacín C., Martín B., Onrubia A., Alonso J.C. 2016. Assessing the extinction risk of the great bustard Otis tarda in Africa. Endangered Species Research 30: 73-82


Horreo J.L., Raab R., Spakovszky P., Alonso J.C. 2016. Genetic structure of the threatened West-Pannonian population of Great Bustard (Otis tarda). PeerJ 2016: 4, DOI 10.7717/peerj.1759


Torres A, Jaeger JAG, Alonso JC. 2016. Assessing large-scale wildlife responses to human infrastructure development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113: 8472-8477


Torres A, Jaeger JAG, Alonso JC. 2016. Multi-scale mismatches between urban sprawl and landscape fragmentation create windows of opportunity for conservation development. Landscape Ecology 31: 2291-2305


Alonso JC, Palacín P, Onrubia A, Aboulouafae R, Amezian M, El Idrissi Essougrati A, El Khamlichi R, Noaman M. 2016. Alarming decline and range reduction of the highly threatened Great Bustard Otis tarda in Morocco. Ostrich 87: 277-280


Alonso JC, Alonso JA, Onrubia A, Cruz CM, Cangarato R, Rocha P. 2016. Assessing four decades of wintering crane counts in Spain, Portugal and Morocco. In: Proceedings of the VIII European Crane Conference 2014 (eds. Asociación Amigos de Gallocanta), pp. 28-37. Asociación Amigos de Gallocanta, Gallocanta (Zaragoza), Spain


Alonso JC, Palacín C, Onrubia A, Martín B. 2016. Avutarda Común: a un paso de que se extinga en África. Quercus 368: 58-59,en%20tan%20solo%20cuarenta%20aves.


Palacín C, Alonso JC, Martín CA, Alonso JA. 2016. Las avutardas migran menos por la mortalidad en tendidos. Quercus 369: 66-67,por%20colisi%C3%B3n%20en%20tendidos%20el%C3%A9ctricos.


Alonso JC, Andryucshenko Y, Antonchikov A, Goriup P, Nagy S, Kessler M. 2016. Otis tarda 2016 factsheet. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN.


Nowald G, Alonso JA, Alonso JC. 2016. Beringung und Datenbearbeitung. In: Die Welt der Kraniche (ed. H. Prange), pp. 183-194. MediaNatur Verlag. Marthin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany


Alonso JC, Alonso JA. 2016. Ökologie der Überwinterung. In: Die Welt der Kraniche (ed. H. Prange), pp. 370-377. MediaNatur Verlag. Marthin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany


Alonso JC, Alonso JA, Prange H. 2016. Rastregionen auf dem Westeuropäischen Zugweg: Spanien. In: Die Welt der Kraniche (ed. H. Prange), pp. 652-657. MediaNatur Verlag. Marthin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany


Alonso JC, Alonso JA. 2016. Überwinterungen in Spanien. In: Die Welt der Kraniche (ed. H. Prange), pp. 732-742. MediaNatur Verlag. Marthin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany




Alonso J.C, Palacín C. 2015. Avutarda – Otis tarda. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. (eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid.


Barati A., Abdulkarimi R., Alonso J.C. 2015. Recent status and population decline of the Great Bustard (Otis tarda) in Iran. Bird Conservation International 25: 377-384




Bravo C., Bautista L.M., García-Paris M., Blanco G., Alonso J.C. 2014. Males of a strongly polygynous species consume more poisonous food than females. PLoS ONE 9(10): e111057. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0111057 [pdf]


Alonso J.C. 2014. The Great Bustard: past, present and future of a globally threatened species. Ornis Hungarica 22: 1-13


Álvarez-Martínez J.M.,  Suárez-Seoane S., Palacín C., Sanz J., Alonso J.C. 2014. Can Eltonian processes explain species distributions at large scale? A case study with Great Bustard (Otis tarda). Diversity and Distributions 21: 123–138


Ponce C., Bravo C., Alonso J.C. 2014. Effects of agri-environmental schemes on farmland birds: Do food availability measurements improve patterns obtained from simple habitat models? Ecology & Evolution 4: 2834-2847


Hórreo J.L., Alonso J.C., Palacín C., Milá B. 2014. Genetic structure in Iberian and Moroccan populations of the globally threatened great bustard (Otis tarda): a microsatellite perspective. Journal of Avian Biology 45: 507-513


Hórreo J.L., Alonso J.C., Milá B. 2014. DNA sequences from the little brown bustard (Eupodotis humilis) suggest its close phylogenetic relationship to the little bustard (Tetrax tetrax). Ostrich 85: 1-5




Hórreo J.L., Palacín C., Alonso J.C., Milá B. 2013. A link between historical population decline in the threatened great bustard and human expansion in Iberia: evidence from genetic and demographic data. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 110: 518-527 [pdf]


Bautista L.M., Silván G., Cáceres S., Martínez-Fernández L., Bravo C., Illera J.C., Alonso J.C., Blanco G. 2013. Fecal sexual steroids in sex typing and endocrine status of great bustards. European Journal of Wildlife Research 59: 815–822 [pdf]


Hórreo J.L., Alonso J.C., Palacín C., Milá B. 2013. Identification of polymorphic microsatellite loci for the endangered great bustard (Otis tarda) by high-throughput sequencing. Conservation Genetics Resources 5: 549-551 [pdf]


Bautista L.M., Alonso J.C. 2013. Factors influencing daily food intake patterns in birds: a case study with wintering common cranes. The Condor 115: 330-339 [pdf]


Alonso J.C., Andryucshenko Y., Antonchikov A., Goriup P., Nagy S., Kessler M. 2013. Otis tarda 2012 factsheet. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN.




Alonso J.C., Magaña M., Álvarez-Martínez, J.M.. 2012. Male display areas in exploded leks: the importance of food resources for male mating success.  Behavioral Ecology 23: 1296-1307 [pdf]


Bravo C., Ponce C., Palacín C., Alonso J.C. 2012. Diet of young great bustards Otis tarda in Spain: sexual and seasonal differences. Bird Study 59: 243-251 [pdf]


Martín B., Alonso J.C., Martín C.A., Palacín C., Magaña M., Alonso J.A. 2012. Influence of spatial heterogeneity and temporal variability in habitat selection: a case study on a great bustard metapopulation. Ecological Modelling 228: 39-48 [pdf]


Barrientos R., Ponce C., Palacín C., Martín C.A., Martín B., Alonso J.C. 2012. Wire marking results in a small but significant reduction in avian mortality: a BACI designed study. PLoS ONE 7(3): e32569. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0032569 [pdf]


Alonso J.C., Álvarez-Martínez  J.M., Palacín C. 2012. Leks in ground-displaying birds: hotspots or safe places? Behavioral Ecology 23: 491-501 [pdf]


Palacín C., Alonso J.C., Martín C.A., Alonso J.A. 2012. The importance of traditional farmland areas for steppe birds: a case study with migrant Great Bustard Otis tarda females. Ibis 154: 85-95 [pdf]


Palacín C., Alonso J.C. 2012. Avutarda Común. In: Atlas de las aves en invierno en España 2007-2010 (ed. SEO/BirdLife), pp. 218-219. Ministerio de  Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente-SEO/BirdLife. Madrid [pdf]


Alonso J.C., Álvarez-Martínez J.M., Palacín, C. 2012. Impactos humanos sobre la dinámica de población de la avutarda. In: Anuario 2011, FCSCL (ed.: Fundación Centro de Supercomputación de Castilla y León). León. [pdf]




Lemus J.A., Bravo C., García-Montijano M., Palacín C., Ponce C., Magaña M., Alonso J.C. 2011. Side effects of rodent control on non-target species: rodenticides increase parasite and pathogen burden in great bustards. Science of the Total Environment 409: 4729-4734 [pdf]


Magaña M., Alonso J.C., Palacín C.. 2011. Age-related dominance helps reduce male aggressiveness in great bustard leks. Animal Behaviour 82: 203-211 [pdf]


Torres A., Palacín C., Seoane J., Alonso J.C. 2011. Assessing the effect of a highway on a threatened species using BDA and BDACI designs. Biological Conservation 144: 2223-2232 [pdf]


Barrientos R., Alonso J.C., Ponce C., Palacín C. 2011. Meta-analysis of the effectiveness of marked wire in reducing avian collisions with power lines. Conservation Biology 25: 893-903 [pdf]


Palacín C., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Magaña M., Martín C.A. 2011. Cultural transmission and flexibility of partial migration patterns in a long-lived bird, the great bustard Otis tarda. Journal of Avian Biology 42: 301-308 [pdf]


Ponce C., Bravo C., García de León D., Magaña M., Alonso J.C. 2011. Effects of organic farming on plant and arthropod communities: a case study in Mediterranean dryland cereal. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 141: 193-201 [pdf]


Magaña M., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Martín C.A., Martín B., Palacín C. 2011. Great bustard (Otis tarda) nest locations in relation to leks. Journal of Ornithology 152: 541-548 [pdf]


Pitra C., Suárez-Seoane S., Martín C.A., Streich W.J., Alonso J.C. 2011. Linking habitat quality with genetic diversity: a lesson from great bustards in Spain. European Journal of Wildlife Research 57: 411–419 [pdf]


Alonso J.C. 2011. La avutarda: Evolución y limitaciones de un peso récord entre las aves voladoras. Investigación y Ciencia nº junio 2011: 10-12 [pdf]




Ponce C., Alonso J.C., Argandoña G.,  García A., Carrasco M. 2010. Carcass removal by scavengers and search accuracy affect bird mortality estimates at power lines. Animal Conservation 13: 603–612 [pdf]


Alonso J.C., Magaña M., Martín C.A., Palacín C. 2010. Sexual traits as quality indicators in lekking male great bustards. Ethology 116: 1084–1098 [pdf]


Alonso J.C., Magaña M., Palacín C., Martín C.A. 2010. Correlates of male mating success in great bustard leks: the effects of age, weight and display effort. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64:1589–1600 [pdf]


Magaña M., Alonso J.C., Martín C.A., Bautista L.M., Martín B. 2010. Nest-site selection by Great Bustards Otis tarda suggests a trade-off between concealment and visibility. Ibis 152: 77-89 [pdf]


Palacín C., Alonso J.C. 2010. Avutardas en Segovia: Vicisitudes y amenazas de una población periférica. Quercus 290: 14-21 [pdf]


Alonso J.C., Palacín C. 2010. The world status and population trends of the Great Bustard: 2010 update. Chinese Birds 1: 141-147 [pdf]




Palacín C., Alonso J.C. 2009. Probable population decline of the Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax in north-west Africa. Ostrich 80: 165–170 [pdf]


Alonso J.C., Magaña M., Alonso J.A., Palacín C., Martín C.A., Martín B. 2009. The most extreme sexual size dimorphism among birds: allometry, selection, and early juvenile development in the great bustard. The Auk 126: 657−665 [pdf]


Alonso J.C., Palacín C., Alonso J.A., Martín C.A. 2009. Post-breeding migration in male great bustards: low tolerance of the heaviest Palaearctic bird to summer heat. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 1705-1715 [pdf]


Sastre P., Ponce C., Palacín C., Martín C.A., Alonso J.C. 2009. Disturbances to great bustards (Otis tarda) in central Spain: human activities, bird responses and management implications. European Journal of Wildlife Research 55: 425-432 [pdf]


Palacín C., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Martín C.A., Magaña M., Martín B. 2009. Differential migration by sex in the great bustard: possible consequences of an extreme sexual size dimorphism. Ethology 115: 617-626 [pdf]


Alonso J.C., Martín C.A., Alonso J.A., Lieckfeldt D., Magaña M., Palacín C., Pitra C. 2009. Genetic diversity of the great bustard in Iberia and Morocco: risks from current population fragmentation. Conservation Genetics 10: 379–390 [pdf]


Alonso J.C., Palacín C. 2009. Avutarda – Otis tarda. In: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles (eds. Carrascal, L.M., Salvador, A.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. [pdf]




Palacín C., Alonso J.C. 2008. An updated estimate of the world status and population trends of the Great Bustard Otis tarda. Ardeola 55: 13-25 [pdf]


Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C., Nowald G. 2008. Migration and wintering patterns of a central European population of common cranes. Bird Study 55: 1-7 [pdf]


Martín C.A., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Palacín C., Magaña M., Martín B. 2008.  Natal dispersal in great bustards: the effect of sex, local population size and spatial isolation. Journal of Animal Ecology 77: 326-334 [pdf]


Alonso J.C. 2008. Guidelines for radio-tracking Great Bustards. Bustard Studies 7: 81-95 [pdf]


Alonso J.C. 2008. Prólogo. In: La Grulla Común invernante en España. Población en 2007 y método de censo (eds. Prieta J., Del Moral J.C). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid




Osborne P.E., Suárez-Seoane S., Alonso J.C. 2007. Behavioural mechanisms that undermine species envelope models: the causes of patchiness in the distribution of great bustards Otis tarda L. in Spain. Ecography 30: 819-828 [pdf]


Martín C.A., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Palacín C., Magaña M., Martín B. 2007. Sex-biased juvenile survival in a bird with extreme size dimorphism, the great bustard Otis tarda. Journal of Avian Biology 38: 335-346 [pdf]


Alonso J.C. (coord.) 2007. La Avutarda Común en Andalucía. Gypaetus-Junta de Andalucía, Jaén. 219 pp




Alonso J.C., Magaña M., Martín C.A., Palacín C., Alonso J.A. 2006. Field determination of age in male great bustards (Otis tarda) in spring. European Journal of Wildlife Research 52: 43-47 [pdf]


Alonso J.C., Martín C.A., Palacín C. 2006. ¿Sobrevivirán las avutardas andaluzas? In: Aves Esteparias en Andalucía. Bases para su conservación. (eds. Yanes M., Delgado J. M.), pp. 58-59. Consejería de Medio Ambiente. Junta de Andalucía, Sevilla [pdf]


Alonso J.C., Palacín C., Martín C.A. 2006. An updated estimate of the Great Bustard population in Spain. In: Bustard Conservation in Europe in the last 15 years: current trends, best practice and future priorities (eds. Leitao, D., Jolivett, C., Rodríguez, M. & Tavares, J.), pp. 27-30. Soc. Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa




Alonso J.C. 2005. The Great Bustard in Spain: conservation status and research projects. Aquila 112: 183-190


Alonso J.C., Palacín C., Martín C.A., Mouati N., Arhzaf Z.L., Azizi D. 2005. The Great Bustard Otis tarda in Morocco: a re-evaluation of its status based on recent survey results. Ardeola 52: 79-90 [pdf]


Alonso J.C., Martín C.A., Palacín C., Martín B., Magaña M. 2005. The Great Bustard Otis tarda in Andalusia, southern Spain: status, distribution and trends. Ardeola 52: 67-78 [pdf]


Alonso J.C., Palacín C., Martín C.A. (eds.) 2005. La Avutarda Común en la Península Ibérica: población actual y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 70 pp [pdf]




Alonso J.C., Bautista L.M., Alonso J.A. 2004. Family-based territoriality vs flocking in wintering common cranes.  Journal of Avian Biology 35: 1-11 [pdf]


Alonso J.C., Martín C.A., Alonso J.A., Palacín C., Magaña M., Lane S.J. 2004. Distribution dynamics of a great bustard metapopulation throughout a decade: influence of conspecific attraction and recruitment. Biodiversity and Conservation 13: 1659-1674 [pdf]


Alonso J.C., Palacín C., Martín C.A., Alonso J.A., Magaña M., Martín B. 2004. La Avutarda. La Garcilla 119: 6-11 [pdf]


Alonso J.C. 2004. Situación actual y problemas de conservación en la avutarda. In: Los retos medioambientales del siglo XXI. La conservación de la biodiversidad en España. (ed. Gomendio M.), pp. 77-98. Fundación CSIC-Fundación BBVA. Madrid


Palacín C., Alonso J.C., Martín C.A., Magaña M., Martín B., Alonso J.A. 2004. La Avutarda. In: Libro Rojo de las Aves de España (eds. Madroño, A., González C.,  Atienza J.C.), pp. 209-213.  SEO/BirdLife-Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. Madrid [pdf]


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Martinez J.H., Avignon S., Petit P. 2004. Wintering cranes in Spain and France: agricultural resources favour northward shift of the winter range. In: Proceedings 4th European Crane Conference (ed. Salvi A.), pp. 201-207. Conservatoire des Sites Lorrains, Fénétrange


Alon D., Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C., Leshem Y. 2004. First results of satellite tracking of Eurasian Cranes (Grus grus) wintering  in Israel. In: Proceedings 4th European Crane Conference (ed. Salvi A.), pp. 222. Conservatoire des Sites Lorrains, Fénétrange


Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C. 2004. Report on the European Crane Database. In: Proceedings 4th European Crane Conference (ed. Salvi A.), pp. 221. Conservatoire des Sites Lorrains, Fénétrange


Leito A., Nowald G., Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C., Fintha I. 2004. First results of colour-marking and radio-tracking of the Common Cranes breeding in Estonia. In: Proceedings 4th European Crane Conference (ed. Salvi A.), pp. 215-220. Conservatoire des Sites Lorrains, Fénétrange




Morales M.B., Alonso J.C., Martín C., Martín E., Alonso J.A. 2003. Male sexual display and attractiveness in the great bustard Otis tarda: the role of body condition. Journal of Ethology 21: 51-56


Alonso J.C., Martín C.A., Palacín C., Magaña M., Martín B. 2003. Distribution, size and recent trends of the great bustard Otis tarda population in Madrid region, Spain. Ardeola 50: 21-29


Alonso J.C., Palacín C., Martín C.A. 2003. Status and recent trends of the Great Bustard (Otis tarda) population in the Iberian Peninsula. Biological Conservation 110:185-195


Palacín C., Alonso, J.C., Martín, C.A., Alonso, J.A., Magaña M., Martín B. 2003. Avutarda Común (Otis tarda). In: Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de España (eds. Martí R., Del Moral J.C.), pp. 236-237. Dir. Gral. de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Española de Ornitología. Madrid




Stillman R.A., Bautista L.M., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. 2002. Modelling state-dependent interference in common cranes. Journal of Animal Ecology 71: 874-882


Suárez-Seoane S., Osborne P.E., Alonso J.C. 2002. Large-scale habitat selection by agricultural steppe birds in Spain: identifying species-habitat responses using Generalised Additive Models. Journal of Applied Ecology 39: 755-771


Morales M.B., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. 2002. Annual productivity and individual female reproductive success in a great bustard Otis tarda population. The Ibis 144: 293-300


Martín C.A., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Pitra C., Lieckfeldt D. 2002. Great bustard population structure in central Spain: concordant results from genetic analysis and dispersal study. Proceedings Royal Society London B 269: 119-125


Palacín C., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Magaña M., Martín C.A. 2002. La Avutarda. In: Atlas de Aves Invernantes en la Comunidad de Madrid 1999-2001, pp. 136-137. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid.


García-Montijano M., Tébar A.M., Barreiro B., Rodriguez P., Alonso J.C., Montesinos A., Luaces I. 2002. Postmortem findings in wild great bustards (Otis tarda) from Spain: a clinical approach. Proceedings 4th Scientific Meeting EAZWV joint with the Annual Meeting of the European Wildlife Disease Association (EWDA). European Association of Zoo- and Wildlife Veterinarians (EAZWV), Heidelberg.


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Martín C.A., Palacín C., Magaña M. 2002. Radioseguimiento de especies amenazadas: el caso de la avutarda. In: Actas XV Jornadas Ornitológicas Españolas (ed. Sánchez A.), pp. 101-113. SEO/BirdLife, Madrid




Osborne P.E., Alonso, J.C., Bryant, R.G. 2001. Modelling landscape-scale habitat use using GIS and remote sensing: a case study with great bustards. Journal of Applied Ecology 38:458-471


Alonso J.A., Martín C.A., Alonso J.C., Morales M.B., Lane S.J. 2001. Seasonal movements of male great bustards (Otis tarda) in central Spain. Journal of Field Ornithology 72: 504-508


Lane S.J.,  Alonso J.C. 2001. Status and extinction probabilities of great bustard (Otis tarda) leks in Andalucía, southern Spain. Biodiversity and Conservation 10: 893-910


Lane S.J., Alonso J.C., Martín C.A. 2001. Habitat preferences of great bustard Otis tarda flocks in the arable steppes of central Spain: are potentially suitable areas unoccupied? Journal of Applied Ecology 38: 193-203



Alonso J.C., Lane S.J., Dawson R., Idaghdour Y. 2000. Great bustards Otis tarda in Morocco:  status in spring 1999 and evidence of a decline in recent decades. Oryx 34: 141-146


Pitra C., Lieckfeldt D., Alonso J.C. 2000. Population subdivision in European great bustards inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence variation. Molecular Ecology 9: 1165-1170


Martín C.A., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Morales M.B., Pitra C. 2000. An approach to sexing young Great Bustards Otis tarda using discriminant analysis and molecular techniques. Bird Study 47: 147-153


Morales M.B., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Martín E. 2000. Migration patterns in male great bustards. The Auk 117:493-498


Alonso J.C., Morales M.B., Alonso J.A. 2000. Partial migration, and lek and nesting area fidelity in female great bustards. The Condor 102: 127-136


Osborne, P.E., Alonso, J.C. 2000. Predicting great bustard population changes from satellite imagery and GIS data in central Spain. In: Proceedings 4th International Conference on Integrating GIS and Environmental Modelling, Banff, Alberta, Canada


Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C. 1999. Colour marking of Common Cranes wintering in Europe: first results from the European database. Die Vogelwelt 120: 295-300


Martín C.A., Alonso J.C., Morales M.B., Martín E., Lane S.J., Alonso J.A. 1999. Censo de avutardas de la Comunidad de Madrid. 1998. Anuario Ornitológico de Madrid: 46-53


Lane S.J., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Naveso M.A. 1999. Seasonal changes in diet and diet selection of great bustards (Otis t. tarda) in northwest Spain. Journal of Zoology London 247: 201-214


Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C. 1999. Mitigation of bird collisions with transmission lines through groundwire marking. En: Birds and Power Lines (eds. Ferrer M., Janss G.F.E.), pp. 113-124. Quercus, Madrid


Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C. 1999. Collision of birds with overhead transmission lines in Spain. En: Birds and Utility Structures (eds. Ferrer M., Janss G.F.E.), pp. 57-82. Quercus, Madrid


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Bautista L.M. 1999. Habitat selection of territorial crane families during winter. In: Proceedings 3rd European Crane Workshop (eds. Prange H., Nowald G., Mewes W.), pp. 182-187. NABU-WWF, Stralsund


Bautista L.M., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. 1998. Foraging site displacement in common crane flocks.  Animal Behaviour 56: 1237-1243


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Martín E., Martín C.A., Morales M.B. 1998. Las avutardas de Madrid: seguimiento de individuos marcados con radioemisores. La Garcilla 100: 40-42


Alonso J.C., Martín E., Alonso J.A., Morales M.B. 1998. Proximate and ultimate causes of natal dispersal in the great bustard, Otis tarda. Behavioral Ecology 9:243-252


Nowald G., Mewes W., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Prange H. 1998. Farbmarkierung von Kranichen Grus grus in Deutschland im Rahmen eines europaweiten Projektes. Journal für Ornithologie 139: 232


Alonso J.C., Bautista L.M., Alonso J.A. 1997. Dominance and the dynamics of phenotype-limited distribution in common cranes. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 40: 401-408


Alonso J.C. (autor o coautor) 1997. Passer hispaniolensis, Otis tarda, Cyanopica cyana, Motacilla alba. In: The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds. Their Distribution and Abundance (eds. Hagemeijer J.M., Blair M. J.). T & A.D. Poyser, London


Alonso J.C. 1997. Passer domesticus, Passer montanus. In: Animales de nuestras ciudades (eds. Omedes A., Senar J.C., Uribe F.). Planeta, Barcelona


Alonso J.C. 1997. Passer hispaniolensis. In: Atlas de las Aves de España (ed. Purroy F.J.). Sociedad Española de Ornitología, Madrid


Nowald G., Mewes W., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. 1996. Colour-ringing of Cranes Grus grus in Germany: an interim report. Die Vogelwelt 117: 119-125


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. 1996. Updated estimate of numbers and distribution of Common Cranes wintering in Spain. Die Vogelwelt 117: 149-152


Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C. 1996. Colour banding of cranes in Europe. Alytes 8: 126-128


Alonso J.C., Martín E., Alonso J.A., Morales M.B. 1996. Neues Verfahren zur praktischen Geschlechtsbestimmung junger Grosstrappen (Otis tarda L., 1758). Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Brandenburg 5 (1/2): 84-86


Morales M.B., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., E. Martín. 1996. Grundsätze zur Erhaltung der Grosstrappenbestände (Otis tarda L., 1758). Empfehlungen nach einer Untersuchung mit besenderten Tieren. Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Brandenburg 5 (1/2): 65-69


Alonso J.A., Martín E.,  Alonso J.C., Morales M.B. 1996. Vergleichende Analyse der Markierungsmethoden für juvenile Grosstrappen (Otis tarda L., 1758) im Feld. Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Brandenburg 5 (1/2): 80-83


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. 1996. The Great Bustard Otis tarda in Spain: present status, recent trends and an evaluation of earlier censuses. Biological Conservation 77: 79-86


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Morales M.B., Martín E. 1996. Seasonal and interannual population dynamics of the Great Bustard at Villafafila Reserve, NW Spain. In: Conservación de aves esteparias y su hábitat (eds. Fernández, J., Sanz-Zuasti, J.), pp. 191-200. Junta de Castilla y León, Valladolid


Martín E., Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C., Morales M.B. 1996. Evaluation of captive breeding as a method to conserve threatened Great Bustard populations. In: Conservación de aves esteparias y su hábitat (eds. Fernández, J., Sanz-Zuasti, J.), pp. 131-136. Junta de Castilla y León, Valladolid


Morales M.B., Alonso J.C., Martín E., Alonso J.A. 1996. Mating system in the Great Bustard: a review of published work in light of recent radiotracking results. In: Conservación de aves esteparias y su hábitat (eds. Fernández, J., Sanz-Zuasti, J.), pp. 287-292. Junta de Castilla y León, Valladolid


Alonso J.A., Martín E., Morales M.B., Alonso J.C. 1996. Aerial tracking of Great Bustards (Otis tarda) in Spain. In: Conservación de aves esteparias y su hábitat (eds. Fernández, J., Sanz-Zuasti, J.), pp. 283-286. Junta de Castilla y León, Valladolid




Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Martín E., Morales M.B. 1995. Range and patterns of Great Bustard movements at Villafáfila, NW Spain. Ardeola 42: 73-81


Bautista L.M., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. 1995. A field test of ideal free distribution in flock-feeding common cranes. Journal of Animal Ecology 64: 747-757


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Bautista L.M., Muñoz-Pulido R. 1995. Patch use in cranes: a field test of optimal foraging predictions. Animal Behaviour 49: 1367-1379


Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C., Martín E., Morales M.B. 1995. La Avutarda en la Reserva de Las Lagunas de Villafáfila. Instituto de Estudios Zamoranos (CSIC) - FEPMA. 86 pp


Prange H., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. (eds.) 1995. Crane research and protection in Europe. Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg. 580 pp


Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C. 1995. Colour banding of Cranes in Europe. In: Crane research and protection in Europe (eds. Prange H., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A.), pp. 461-464. Naturschutzbund Deutschland-WWF, Martin-Luther Universität, Halle-Wittenberg


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Muñoz-Pulido R. 1995. Common Cranes wintering in Spain: numbers and distribution. In: Crane research and protection in Europe (eds. Prange H., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A.), pp. 121-124. Naturschutzbund Deutschland-WWF, Martin-Luther Universität, Halle-Wittenberg


Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C., Muñoz-Pulido R., Bautista L.M.1995. Colour-banding and radio-tagging Common Cranes in Spain. In: Crane research and protection in Europe (eds. Prange H., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A.), pp. 125-127. Naturschutzbund Deutschland-WWF, Martin-Luther Universität, Halle-Wittenberg


Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C., Carrascal L.M., Muñoz-Pulido R. 1994. Flock size and foraging decisions in central place foraging white storks, Ciconia ciconia. Behaviour 129: 279-292


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Bautista L.M. 1994. Carrying capacity of staging areas and facultative migration extension in common cranes. Journal of Applied Ecology 31: 212-222


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Muñoz-Pulido R. 1994. Mitigation of bird collisions with transmission lines through groundwire marking. Biological Conservation 67: 129-134


Abelenda M., Nava M.P., Fernández A., Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C., Muñoz, R., Bautista L.M., Puerta M.L. 1993. Blood values of Common Cranes (Grus grus) by age and season. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 104: 575-578


Hiraldo F., Heredia B., Alonso J.C. 1993. Communal roosting of wintering Red Kites Milvus milvus: social feeding strategies for the exploitation of food resources. Ethology 93: 117-124


Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C. 1993. Age-related differences in time budget and parental care in wintering Common Cranes. Auk 110: 78-88


Muñoz-Pulido R., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. 1993. Common Crane (Grus grus) killed by Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaëtos). Vogelwarte 37: 78-79


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Muñoz-Pulido R. 1993. Señalización de líneas de alta tensión para la protección de la avifauna. Red Eléctrica de España, Madrid, 58 pp


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. 1992. Daily activity and intake rate patterns of wintering Common Cranes Grus grus. Ardea 80: 343-351


Bautista L.M., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. 1992. A 20-year study of wintering Common Crane fluctuations using time series analysis. Journal of Wildlife Management 56: 563-572


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. 1992. Male-biased dispersal in the Great Bustard Otis tarda. Ornis Scandinavica 23: 81-88


Heredia B., Alonso J.C., Hiraldo F. 1991. Space and habitat use by Red Kites Milvus milvus during winter in the Guadalquivir marshes: a comparison between resident and wintering populations. Ibis 133: 374-381


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Carrascal L.M. 1991. Habitat selection by foraging White Storks, Ciconia ciconia, during the breeding season. Canadian Journal of Zoology 69: 1957-1962


Alonso J.C., Huecas V., Alonso J.A., Abelenda M., Muñoz-Pulido R., Puerta M.L. 1991. Hematology and blood chemistry of adult White Storks (Ciconia ciconia). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 98: 395-397


Alonso J.A., Muñoz-Pulido R., Bautista L.M., Alonso J.C. 1991. Nest-site selection and nesting success in the Azure-winged Magpie in Central Spain. Bird Study 38: 45-51


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Muñoz-Pulido R., Bautista L.M. 1991. Report on crane research and conservation in Spain. In: Crane Information Letter 13, ICF-European Crane Working Group, Jena, pp. 2-25


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. 1991. Costs and benefits of flocking in wintering Common Cranes. In: Proceedings 1987 International Crane Workshop (ed. Harris, J.), pp. 271-276. International Crane Foundation, Baraboo, Wisconsin


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Martínez-Vicente J.S., Bautista L.M. 1991. Simulations on a Common Crane (Grus g. grus) population model. In: Proceedings 1987 International Crane Workshop (ed. Harris, J.), pp. 277-283. International Crane Foundation, Baraboo, Wisconsin




Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. 1990. Proposal for a new coordinated Common Crane banding program in Europe. In: Crane Information Letter 12, ICF-European Crane Working Group, Paris, 5 pp


Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C., Muñoz-Pulido R., Naveso M.A., Abelenda M., Huecas V., Puerta M.L. 1990. Hematology and blood chemistry of free-living young Great Bustards (Otis tarda). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 97: 611-613


Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C., Bautista L.M., Cantos F.J. 1990. Spring Crane Grus grus migration through Gallocanta, Spain. II. Timing and pattern of daily departures. Ardea 78: 379-388


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Cantos F.J. , Bautista L.M. 1990. Spring Crane Grus grus migration through Gallocanta, Spain. I. Daily variation in migration volume. Ardea 78: 365-378


Muñoz-Pulido R., Bautista L.M., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. 1990. Breeding success of Azure-winged Magpies Cyanopica cyana in Central Spain. Bird Study 37: 111-114


Carrascal L.M., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. 1990. Aggregation size and foraging behaviour of White Storks Ciconia ciconia during the breeding season. Ardea 78: 399-404


Puerta M.L., Alonso J.C., Huecas V., Alonso J.A., Abelenda M., Muñoz-Pulido R. 1990. Hematology and blood chemistry of wintering Common Cranes. The Condor 92: 210-214


Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C., Bautista L.M. Muñoz-Pulido R. (eds. Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C.). 1990. Distribución y demografía de la Grulla Común en España. ICONA, Madrid, 193 pp


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Hellmich J., Lucio A., Martín E., Naveso M.A., Purroy F.J.  (eds. Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A.). 1990. Parámetros demográficos, selección de hábitat y distribución de la Avutarda en tres regiones españolas. ICONA, Madrid, 123 pp


González L.M., Heredia B., González J.L., Alonso J.C. 1989. Juvenile dispersal of Spanish Imperial Eagles.  Journal of Field Ornithology 60: 369-379


Muñoz-Pulido R., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. 1989. Leuzismus beim Kranich Grus grusVogelwarte 35: 80


Prange H., Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C. 1989. Kranich und Landwirtschaft. In: Der Kranich (ed. Prange H.), pp. 219-222. A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg Lutherstadt


Alonso J.A., Prange H., Alonso J.C. 1989. Kranichzahlen auf der Westlichen Zugroute. In:  Der Kranich (ed. Prange H.), pp. 189-190. A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg Lutherstadt


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. 1989. Überwinterung in Spanien, Portugal und Marokko. In: Der Kranich (ed. Prange H.), pp. 187-189. A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg Lutherstadt


Salvi A., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. 1989. Kranichrast in Westeuropa und Spanien. In: Der Kranich (ed. Prange H.), pp. 181-183. A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg Lutherstadt


Prange H., Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C., Bednorz J., Salvi A., Swanberg P.O. 1989. Westeuropäischer Zugweg.  In: Der Kranich (ed. Prange H.), pp. 151-190. A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg Lutherstadt


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Levy N. 1989. Ökologie der Überwinterung. In: Der Kranich (ed. Prange H.), pp. 145-151. A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg Lutherstadt


Alonso J.A., Prange H., Alonso J.C. 1989. Ernährung. In: Der Kranich (ed. Prange H.), pp. 89-95. A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg Lutherstadt


Prange H., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Mewes W. 1989. Reproduktion und Zusammensetzung der Population. In: Der Kranich (ed. Prange H.), pp. 89-95. A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg Lutherstadt


Muñoz-Pulido R., Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C., Román J.A., Sánchez A., Ferrero J.J. 1988. Censo de la población española de Grullas Grus grus: invierno 1987-88. Ecología 2: 269-274


Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C.  1988. Invernada de la Grulla Común en la Península Ibérica. In: Invernada de las Aves en la Península Ibérica (ed. Tellería J.L.), pp. 123-136. Sociedad Española de Ornitología, Madrid


Alonso J.C., González L.M., Heredia B., González J.L. 1987. Parental care and the transition to independence of Spanish Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca adalberti) in Doñana National Park, southwest Spain. Ibis 129: 212-224


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Veiga J.P. 1987. Flocking in wintering Common Cranes Grus grus: influence of population size, food abundance and habitat patchiness. Ornis Scandinavica 18: 53-60


Heredia B., González J.L., González L.M., Alonso J.C. 1987. Radio-tracking of young Spanish Imperial Eagles (Aquila adalberti) during 1984 in Doñana National Park. A preliminary report. Ricerche di Biologia della Selvaggina 12: 115-124


Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C. 1987. Demographic parameters of the Common Crane population wintering in Iberia. Aquila 93-94: 137-144


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Cantos F.J. 1987. Crane spring migration over Gallocanta, Spain. Aquila 93-94: 213-222


Alonso J.C., Veiga J.P. , Alonso J.A. 1987. Possible effects of recent agricultural development on the wintering and migratory patterns of Grus grus in Iberia. In: Proceedings of the III International Crane Workshop (eds. Archibald, G.W., Pasquier R.F.), pp. 277-299. International Crane Foundation, Wisconsin, USA


Alonso J.C., Johnstone G.W., Hindell M., Osborne P., Guard R. 2007. Las aves del Monolito Scullin, Antártida Oriental. In: Actas Simposium Español de Estudios Antárticos (ed. Castellvi, J.), pp. 375-386. CSIC, Madrid


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Veiga J.P. 1986. Social responses of wintering Cranes (Grus grus) to spatial and seasonal changes in food availability. Ricerche di Biologia della Selvaggina 10: 15-27


Alonso J.A., Veiga J.P., Alonso J.C. 1986. Time budgeting and social structure of Common Cranes (Grus grus) wintering in Iberia. Ricerche di Biologia della Selvaggina 10: 1-14


Hiraldo F., Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Heredia B., Espina J., Máñez M., González J.L., González L.M. 1986. Raptor radio-tracking at Doñana National Park: a report. Mésogée (Bulletin du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Marseille) 46: 121-125


González J.L., Heredia B., González L.M., Alonso J.C. 1986. Adoption of a juvenile by breeding Spanish Imperial Eagles during the postfledging period. Raptor Research 20: 77-78


Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C., Cantos F.J. 1986. On the size of the Common Crane population migrating through western Europe. Ornis Fennica 63: 58-59


Alonso J.C. 1986. Ecological segregation between sympatric Spanish Sparrows (Passer hispaniolensis Temm.) and House Sparrows (Passer domesticus (L.)) during winter. Ekologia Polska 34: 63-73


Alonso J.C. 1986. On the status and distribution of the Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis. International Studies on Sparrows 13: 35-43


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Quintanilla M. 1986. Modelling the Common Crane population wintering in Iberia. In: System Dynamics: On The Move (eds. Aracil J., Machuca J.A.D.,  Karsky M.), pp. 303-318. The System Dynamics Society, Sevilla


Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A. 1985. Why do cranes sometimes fly with their legs drawn up?  Journal of Field Ornithology 56: 409-410


Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C., Veiga J.P. 1985. The influence of moonlight on the timing of roosting flights in Common Cranes Grus grusOrnis Scandinavica 16: 314-318


Alonso J.C. 1985. Schwankungen des Körpergewichts beim Weidensperling (Passer hispaniolensis). Journal für Ornithologie 126: 195-205


Alonso J.C. 1985. Grit in the gizzard of Spanish Sparrows (Passer hispaniolensis). Vogelwarte 33: 135-143


Alonso J.C. 1985. La alimentación del Gorrión Común (Passer domesticus) en áreas de cultivo de regadío extremeñas. Ardeola 32: 405-408


Alonso J.C. 1985. La alimentación del Gorrión Moruno (Passer hispaniolensis) en áreas de cultivo de regadío extremeñas. Doñana Acta Vertebrata 12: 251-263


Alonso J.C. 1985. Description of intermediate phenotypes Passer hispaniolensis x domesticus. Ardeola 32: 31-38


Hiraldo F., Alonso J.C. 1985. Sistema de indicadores faunísticos (Vertebrados) aplicable a la planificación y gestión del medio natural. ICONA, Madrid, 32 pp


González L.M., Alonso, J.C., González J.L., Heredia B. 1985. Éxito reproductor, mortalidad, período de dependencia y dispersión juvenil en el Aguila Imperial Ibérica (Aquila adalberti Brehm 1861) en el Parque Nacional de Doñana.. ICONA, Madrid, 44 pp


Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C., Veiga J.P. 1984. Winter feeding ecology of the Crane in cereal farmland at Gallocanta, Spain. Wildfowl 35: 119-131


Alonso J.C., Veiga J.P., Alonso J.A. 1984. Familienauflösung und Abzug aus dem Winterquartier beim Kranich Grus grusJournal für Ornithologie 125: 69-74


Alonso J.C. 1984. Kreuzung spanischer Haus- und Weidensperlinge (Passer domesticus und hispaniolensis) in Gefangenschaft. Journal für Ornithologie 125: 339-340


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